Dartscorer; Scoreboard

  • Umfrage quer nutzen!

  • Der hing ein halbes Jahr im Vereinsheim. Da der Club sich Ende 1990 aufglöst hatte, habe ich ihn abgestaubt. Hat damals 500 DM gekostet ( da kam mir kostenlos ganz recht). Da mir schon immer die Kreide bei meiner Scoretafel auf den Senkel ging, habe ich das Teil aufgehängt und seitdem wird es jeden Tag ca. 2-4 Std genutzt.

  • Wenn du ihn täglich nutzt, sind 25 Jahre sehr lang für eine Folientastatur.

    Ja, Döschen, wir Dartspieler sind halt keine Grobmotoriker und können mit unseren feinfühligen Fingerchen sanft und zart die Folientastatur bedienen. :duw:

  • Bursche!


    Für die Favero-Scorer kann man sich übrigens auch Ersatzteile bestellen.

    Die Folientastatur für den Game-Shot kostet 23 Euro. Und der Game-Shot selbst kostet 110 Euro, wenn man bei Favero direkt bestellt.

    An dem DMQ Fusion/Titan gefällt mir gut die Anordnung der Tasten -- klassischer Zehner-Block. Das Design ist auch recht gefällig.

    Im Video kann man sehen, dass der Druck auf eine Taste den ganzen Tasten-Block ins Gehäuse drückt. Finde ich unschön.

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von D-O-S ()

  • @ dmqdarts

    What is the lifetime of the keys? Do you provide replacement parts? Can I replace the keypad by myself?

    Hi in the unlikely event that the Silicone Keys become
    damaged or malfunction we’ll provide a free lifetime replacement. The Keymats
    are made from Silicone and have large thick Carbon Pills which are highly
    durable, see below. The PCB Key contacts use a conductive manufacturing process
    called “Electroless Nickel Immersion Gold (ENIG)” which is more expensive than
    other techniques but offers better conductivity and a much longer operation
    life for the PCB.

    Being professionally involved in Engineering and UI Design
    for over 10 years we wanted to stay away from cheaper manufacturing techniques
    and produce a Scoreboard of superior quality that looks great, is easy to use
    and is built to last.

    [Blockierte Grafik: http://dmqdarts.com/2-small.jpg]
    [Blockierte Grafik: http://dmqdarts.com/1-small.jpg]

  • Frauen von Welt spielen Dart
  • @ dmqdarts

    That looks good. Can the case easily be opened for cleaning the PCP and the silicon pad?

    On eBay you actually seem to experiment with the price. Yesterday the DMQ Fusion was much cheaper in one of your auctions. ;)


    I have a proposal for a little software upgrade: A simple calculator function for other games than X01.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von D-O-S ()

  • Yes the case can be easily opened, there are 6 screws at the back, inside comprises of only 4 things, Led Display, Keypad PCB, Silicone Keymat and a plug in/out Interface Cable.

    On eBay we run fixed price listings, we also every so often run an auction to give buyers a chance of getting a DMQ Fusion or DMQ Titan for a lower price.

    As for your proposal, we have already upgraded the Scoreboard based on user feedback and suggestions, we've added extra In-Game Statistics, the Save Game Feature as well as the ability to choose sets as best of 3. To include other games as you mention, would be possible so long as it can be displayed on our Led Display, see below we decided to manufacture a Custom Led Display rather than using a cluster of off the shelf 7 Segment Displays.

    [Blockierte Grafik: http://www.dmqdarts.com/3-small.jpg]

  • Frauen von Welt spielen Dart
  • @ dmqdarts

    Why does the DMQ Fusion suggest "Bull T14 D20" as checkout for 132? Is there a checkout table stored in the DMQ Fusion, does it arbitrarily compute the checkout values or is there a table stored with all possible checkouts, that are chosen at random?

    And I would like to know more about the algorithm of the computer player. You can control its playing ability via the average. But what's its checkout rate?

    And a third question: The DMQ Titan/Fusion can be upgraded/updated via the Internet. Do you have planned any updates for the DMQ Fusion? And if: Do the customers have to pay for updates of the DMQ Fusion?

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von D-O-S ()

  • @dos

    Hi, yes there is a predefined checkout table stored, all checkouts are based on what professional players would go for, going for Bull first is preferable on a 132 checkout, if you only hit 25 then you;ll be on 107 and still have an checkout , whereas if you go for T20 and only hit S20 then you have no checkout. If a customer requests a particular checkout list then we can programme it prior to shipping.

    The computers algorithm is too complex to explain how it works, it took several months of Software Development and Testing until we were happy that it accurately simulated a real player. The computers average takes 5-10 legs to match your select average give or take a few decimal points.

    We haven't decided yet whether we are planning any further upgrades to DMQ Fusion but if there are and a customer wants their system upgraded then there would be a nominal fee based on the few minutes it takes to perform any such upgrade.

  • @ dmqdarts


    The DMQ Fusion / Titan can be connected to a computer. It would be nice, if the user could store his own checkout table without your help. Is this possible?

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von D-O-S ()

  • @ dmqdarts


    The DMQ Fusion / Titan can be connected to a computer. It would be nice, if the user could store his own checkout table without your help. Is this possible?

    @dos, Yes it is possible, the Checkout Table is stored on a Micro SD Card which is part of the PCB, you would have to open the Scoreboard up, remove the Micro SD Card, access a file called cc.txt, if you edit this file then you can customize your checkouts.

  • A bit uncomfortable, because there is an USB-interface, isn't it. ;) But nevertheless cool.

    I have to decide myself tomorrow: Either an expensive computer hardware solution with much more comfort (tablet, MSI AIO, Zotac- or Intel-Box with Iiyama touchscreen). Or the DMQ Fusion.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von D-O-S ()

  • Rock your Dart!
  • Ich überlege schon was ich mir kaufen werde aber bin unschlüssig ob es so dartscrorer board wird oder so ein android app reicht oder computerprogramm? Was habt ihr so im gebrauch?


  • Ich grabe den Thread mal wieder aus.

    Also ich habe jetzt seit einer Woche einen alten Rechner mit 19" TFT Monitor rechts überm Board. Dazu eine Funktastatur auf einem kleinen Schrank unterm Board, damit ich den Score direkt nach dem Wurf eingeben kann.

    N01 draufgepackt und los gehts. Könnte mir für zu Hause zum Trainieren nichts besseres vorstellen.

    Alles zusammen liegt man preislich auch im Rahmen:

    PC + Monitor: 25€ ebay kleinanzeigen
    Funktastatur + Funkmaus: 30€ Neuware
    kleiner Schrank als Ablage: 29€ Ikea
    Regal überm Board: 10€ ebay kleinanzeigen
    2x Lampen: 26€ Ikea

    Macht in Summe 120€ + Board + Surround liegt man dann bei ca. 200€ / Sry, aber ich kann nicht wirklich verstehen, wer da 130€ alleine für so einen doofen Rechner ausgibt^^

    Das Gefühl spielt halt auch mit und so machts richtig Bock zu Hause. :dart:

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